MIRA – A Serious Game for the Estimation of Alzheimer’s Mental State

Kick-Off Meeting

The Kick-Off-Meeting of the Project took place in Graz (Austria) on May 2nd and 3rd 2017. All members had been welcomed by the Institutes Director Dr. Heinz Mayer. We had a very fruitful 2 days meeting.




The project develops an integrated theratainment solution for care, rehab and diagnostics. PLAYTIME motivates in a playful manner to perform personalized emotion-oriented exercise units to stimulate cognitive processes, to address physical activities and foster social inclusion. The objective is to motivate dementia users to enter a positive feedback cycle of periodic training with sensors that enable diagnostics on a daily basis, and to receive recommendations on the basis of these data that propose more personalized and better suited exercises for improved training.


The research leading to these results has received funding from the AAL Programme  of the European Union and by the Austrian BMVIT/FFG under the Agreement no 857334, the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMW) and the Flanders Innovations & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO). It reflects only the author’s view and that the Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.